27 Ağustos 2012 Pazartesi

She felt she hasn't been feeling whole for such a long time.Somehow ,she said to herself
-I still keep smiling,laughters are in my eyes and somehow I still don't give up on them.I have always believed I had a light shining from inside,no matter how dark, life and circumstances are.I felt blessed with my power to enjoy every bit of life even if I rarely get what I aim for.
There on the new metro deck ,she was talking to herself and changing glances with sad,smiling,sleepy,perky people on their way to God knows where.
-Do they have passion? she asked ,again to herself.Inside her brain ,there was always this same voice ,asking questions and answering them as well.

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Sen farkli bir mevsim yasiyorsun .Ben farkli.

Doyamamissin daha oyunlarin ,yenilgilerin ve zaferlerin tadina.Yeni zırhlarinla her gun ,gidesin var savas alanina.Kazanmak icin ...Oldurmek icin...Kurtarmak icin ...Yenilmek icin de elbet ki ,zaferlerinin tadini bilesin.Sen daha kendini ,bir de onlarin gozunde var edeceksin.